Friday, March 20, 2020

A Guest Post -- Nala Principessa (Hess-Maguire)

Hi. My name is Nala. I can’t decide whether my last name is Hess or Maguire, because my humans chose different last names. They sometimes call me “Principessa,” so I think I choose that as a last name. Nala Principessa.  

I’m writing to you because my life has changed so drastically, so much in just one week, I don’t quite know what to do or think about it. This is the best time of my life, ever.

My young life was pretty tough, you should know. I never got to know my mother. The first family I stayed with seemed okay at first, but then something went terribly wrong. They left me. They forgot about me. I lived by myself, homeless on the streets of Fairborn for what seemed like forever. I was cold all the time. I was alone and afraid. A scary person then caught me with a rope and I wound up in a cage, with cold floors. I felt hopeless and so afraid, all the time.

Fast forward to two years ago, my humans came into the large room where another family was petting me, talking to me. I recognized Lisa immediately, probably from some previous life, and I bounded over to her. She sat down on the floor and I leaned into her. Finally, my heart said to her. I was home. We are family now.

I know I wasn’t the easiest animal to live with for a while. PTSD, most likely. They would leave and I would let them know how desperately I hated that. I demolished two iron-barred kennels they attempted to put me in. I will not be contained, I heard Lisa say in my voice, with a shake of her head and a smile.  I have had other adventures I could tell you about, but something drastic has happened just this week.

I don’t know what all I did right, but it must have been something good! My humans are around all the time. Lisa never seems to leave at all. Brian leaves more often, but he’s around a whole lot more.
  • I always have someone to snuggle with...
  • They play tug and chase with me way more than they used to...
  • I have humans who will pet me when I come to say I’m lonely.
  • I get walks more often. Last night, I got to chase squirrels in the preserve across the street! I never seem to catch one, but my human being is a lot of weight to lag behind me.
  • I get to be at CrossFit with Lisa--it's MAGIC!
  • I still get food when I need it…well, at least twice a day. I could use more food. I notice I’m getting more lunch meat than I used to.
  • We sit as a family in the morning now, all of us getting silent. Except when the birds sing and I can’t sit still.
  • We sit as a family in the evening, and I get to nap between my humans while they watch a tv show. They never choose one with dogs in it, so I get bored easily.
I don’t know what has changed in the world today, but these are the best days of my life.  I hope they last forever, just like this.

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